ad pepper media International N.V.: Preliminary results for first quarter of 2015

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Nuremberg, Amsterdam, April 22, 2015

Based on preliminary figures, ad pepper media International N.V. closed the first quarter 2015 with sales of EUR 11,599k. Sales therefore remained on the level of the previous year (Q1 2014: EUR 11,579k). Gross profit reduced by 9.1 percent to EUR 3.759k (Q1 2014: EUR 4,137k). At the same time, operating expenses reduced significantly by 19.7 percent to EUR 4,117k (Q1 2014: EUR 5,129k).

Accordingly, the first three months of the year closed with improved profitability figures: EBITDA for the past quarter amounts to EUR -292k (Q1 2014: EUR -936k). EBIT for the first three months of the year amounts to EUR -358k (Q1 2014: EUR -991k). EBT for the past quarter amounts to EUR -307k (Q1 2014: EUR -687k).

Liquid funds (including securities measured at fair value and fixed-term deposits) amount to EUR 17,171k (December 31, 2014: EUR 19,639k). The company still has no liabilities to banks.

The report on the first quarter of 2015 will be published on May 13, 2015.

Year-on-year comparison of key figures (unaudited):

  Q1 2015
in EUR 000s
Q1 2014
in EUR 000s
in %
Sales 11,599 11,579 0.2
Gross profit 3,759 4,137 -9.1
EBITDA -292 -936 -68.7
EBIT -358 -991 -63.9
EBT -307 -687 -55.4
Consolidated net income -308 -690 -55.4
Liquid funds* 17,171 20,045 -14.3
Equity 16,023 23,966 -33.1
Total assets 27,232 34,107 -20.2

*(including securities and fixed-term deposits)

For further information:
Dr. Jens Körner (CFO)
ad pepper media International N.V.
phone.: +49 (0) 911 929057-0
fax: +49 (0) 911 929057-157