Share buybacks
On May 18, 2021 the annual General Shareholders’ Meeting has authorized the Board of Managing Directors to repurchase shares in the Company’s own share capital up to a maximum amount of 50 percent of the Company’s issued share capital.
The Board of Managing Directors has passed a resolution on August 02, 2021 to make partly use of the authorization of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting by repurchasing up to a maximum of 500,000 of its own shares for a total maximum amount of up to EUR 3,000,000. The share buy-back is supposed to take place from September 01, 2021 until November 17, 2022. The repurchased shares will be used exclusively in order to (i) meet the Company’s obligations under the Company’s stock option plans by way of transfer of the shares to option holders for the exercise of their option rights and/or (ii) reduce the capital of the Company.
The financial service institution will purchase the shares on the open market through trading venue Xetra, operated by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and the share buy-back will comply with the Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 and with Articles 2 to 4 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the conditions applicable to buy-back programmes and stabilisation measures. All transactions will be announced in a form that meets the requirements of Article 5 paragraph 3 of the Market Abuse Regulation in conjunction with Article 2 paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Delegated Regulation no later than the end of the seventh trading day after execution. Details of the transactions will also be published on the Company’s website.
Date | Shares bought back | Average share price (in EUR) |
Aggregated volume (in EUR) |
Interim reports | Transaction details |
Total | 500,000 | 5.3636 | 2,681,816.05 | ||
01.09.2021–03.09.2021 | 7,811 | 6.1258 | 47,848.58 | 1st Interim Report | |
06.09.2021–10.09.2021 | 10,881 | 6.0785 | 66,140.62 | 2nd Interim Report | |
13.09.2021–17.09.2021 | 11,910 | 5.9829 | 71,256.50 | 3rd Interim Report | |
20.09.2021–24.09.2021 | 10,684 | 5.9282 | 63,337.08 | 4th Interim Report | |
27.09.2021–01.10.2021 | 5,986 | 5.9036 | 35,339.22 | 5th Interim Report | |
04.10.2021–08.10.2021 | 5,389 | 5.8446 | 31,497.06 | 6th Interim Report | |
11.10.2021–15.10.2021 | 5,308 | 5.8815 | 31,218.84 | 7th Interim Report | |
19.10.2021–22.10.2021 | 8,089 | 5.8131 | 47,022.16 | 8th Interim Report | |
25.10.2021–29.10.2021 | 13,459 | 5.3142 | 71,523.50 | 9th Interim Report | |
01.11.2021–05.11.2021 | 12,885 | 5.0401 | 64,941.78 | 10th Interim Report | |
08.11.2021–12.11.2021 | 17,594 | 5.0117 | 88,175.44 | 11th Interim Report | |
15.11.2021–19.11.2021 | 16,634 | 4.9699 | 82,669.20 | 12th Interim Report | |
22.11.2021–26.11.2021 | 15,053 | 4.7482 | 71,474.62 | 13th Interim Report | |
29.11.2021–03.12.2021 | 16,141 | 4.8499 | 78,281.90 | 14th Interim Report | |
06.12.2021–10.12.2021 | 18,196 | 5.0745 | 92,336.14 | 15th Interim Report | |
13.12.2021–17.12.2021 | 32,488 | 5.2247 | 169,740.54 | 16th Interim Report | |
20.12.2021–24.12.2021 | 26,705 | 5.7434 | 153,377.24 | 17th Interim Report | |
27.12.2021–31.12.2021 | 31,462 | 5.8618 | 184,424.00 | 18th Interim Report | PDF |
03.01.2022–07.01.2022 | 36,929 | 5.9207 | 218,647.04 | 19th Interim Report | PDF |
10.01.2022–14.01.2022 | 27,827 | 5.5304 | 153,893.96 | 20th Interim Report | PDF |
17.01.2022–21.01.2022 | 35,408 | 5.2817 | 187,013.86 | 21st Interim Report | |
24.01.2022–28.01.2022 | 37,253 | 5.0137 | 186,775.65 | 22nd Interim Report | |
31.01.2022–04.02.2022 | 34,228 | 5.1212 | 175,288.94 | 23rd Interim Report | |
07.02.2022–11.02.2022 | 37,143 | 5.1377 | 190,830.68 | 24th Interim Report | |
14.02.2022–18.02.2022 | 22,805 | 4.8450 | 110,489.90 | 25th Interim Report | |
21.02.2022 | 1,732 | 4.7758 | 8,271.60 | Final Report |
On May 19, 2020 the annual General Shareholders’ Meeting has authorized the Board of Managing Directors for a period of 18 months to repurchase shares in the Company’s own share capital up to a maximum amount of 50 percent of the Company’s issued share capital.
The Board of Managing Directors has passed a resolution on October 19 2020 to make partly use of the authorization of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting by repurchasing up to a maximum of 500,000 of its own shares for a total maximum amount of up to EUR 2,250,000. The share buy-back is supposed to take place from October 19, 2020 until November 19, 2021.The consideration for the shares to be repurchased will be at least 80 percent of the stock price at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (opening price on Xetra) of the shares of the Company at the date of such repurchase and at the most 120 percent of such stock price.
The financial service institution will purchase the shares on the open market through trading venue Xetra, operated by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and the share buy-back will comply with the Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 and with Articles 2 to 4 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the conditions applicable to buy-back programmes and stabilisation measures. All transactions will be announced in a form that meets the requirements of Article 5 paragraph 3 of the Market Abuse Regulation in conjunction with Article 2 paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Delegated Regulation no later than the end of the seventh trading day after execution.
Date | Shares bought back |
Average share price (in EUR) |
Aggregated volume (in EUR) |
Interim reports | Transaction details |
Total | 447,236 | 5.0339 | 2,249,994.43 | ||
19.10.2020–23.10.2020 | 19,050 | 4.0570 | 77,285.32 | 1st Interim Report | |
26.10.2020–30.10.2020 | 25,377 | 3.9785 | 100,963.10 | 2nd Interim Report | |
02.11.2020–06.11.2020 | 29,186 | 4.1332 | 120,631.08 | 3rd Interim Report | |
09.11.2020–13.11.2020 | 26,412 | 4.1368 | 109,261.96 | 4th Interim Report | |
16.11.2020–20.11.2020 | 23,168 | 4.3679 | 101,196.14 | 5th Interim Report | |
23.11.2020–27.11.2020 | 24,473 | 4.4694 | 109,380.42 | 6th Interim Report | |
30.11.2020–04.12.2020 | 26,706 | 4.8444 | 129,373.40 | 7th Interim Report | |
07.12.2020–11.12.2020 | 27,221 | 4.9084 | 133,611.60 | 8th Interim Report | |
14.12.2020–18.12.2020 | 25,545 | 4.9747 | 127,079.74 | 9th Interim Report | |
21.12.2020–25.12.2020 | 14,201 | 4.9213 | 69,887.58 | 10th Interim Report | |
28.12.2020–01.01.2021 | 11,188 | 4.9644 | 55,541.48 | 11th Interim Report | |
04.01.2021–08.01.2021 | 20,496 | 5.0124 | 102,734.42 | 12th Interim Report | |
11.01.2021–15.01.2021 | 18,213 | 5.0542 | 92,052.77 | 13th Interim Report | |
18.01.2021–22.01.2021 | 17,011 | 5.2846 | 89,895.50 | 14th Interim Report | |
25.01.2021–29.01.2021 | 17,702 | 5.1990 | 92,032.75 | 15th Interim Report | |
01.02.2021–05.02.2021 | 14,909 | 5.4447 | 81,175.40 | 16th Interim Report | |
08.02.2021–12.02.2021 | 12,675 | 6.0515 | 76,703.20 | 17th Interim Report | |
15.02.2021–19.02.2021 | 15,400 | 6.4013 | 98,580.00 | 18th Interim Report | |
22.02.2021–26.02.2021 | 30,126 | 6.0713 | 182,904.85 | 19th Interim Report | |
01.03.2021–05.03.2021 | 17,530 | 6.1960 | 108,615.90 | 20th Interim Report | |
08.03.2021–12.03.2021 | 5,000 | 6.0100 | 30,050.00 | 21st Interim Report | |
15.03.2021–19.03.2021 | 4,638 | 6.0245 | 27,941.80 | 22nd Interim Report | |
22.03.2021–26.03.2021 | 5,759 | 6.2254 | 35,852.35 | 23rd Interim Report | |
29.03.2021–02.04.2021 | 8,637 | 6.3180 | 54,568.45 | 24th Interim Report | |
05.04.2021–09.04.2021 | 6,613 | 6.4532 | 42,675.22 | 25th Interim Report & Final Report |
On May 21, 2015 the annual General Shareholders’ Meeting has authorized the Board of Managing Directors for a period of 18 months to repurchase shares in the Company’s own share capital up to a maximum amount of 50 percent of the Company’s issued share capital. The authorization for the repurchase is given until November 2016.
On February 1 , 2016, the Board of Managing Directors has passed a resolution to make partly use of the authorization of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting by repurchasing up to 3 percent of the Company’s share capital, equalling up to 690,000 shares.
The consideration for the shares to be repurchased will be at least 80 percent of the stock price at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (opening price on Xetra) of the shares of the Company at the date of such repurchase and at the most 120 percent of such stock price.
The authorization may be exercised for any legally permitted purpose.
The buyback will be carried out in accordance with the rules of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2273/2003 of December, 22 2003 implementing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards exemptions for buyback programmes and stabilisation of financial instruments and – after their entry into force – any regulation enacted on the basis of Article 5 para. 6 of the Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse.
Overview share buyback
Summary of all repurchased shares
On May 19, 2009 the annual General Shareholders’ Meeting has authorized the Board of Managing Directors for a period of 18 months to repurchase shares in the Company’s own share capital up to a maximum amount of 50 percent of the Company’s issued share capital. The authorization for the repurchase is given until November 2010.
On June 02, 2009, the Board of Managing Directors has passed a resolution to make partly use of the authorization of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting by repurchasing up to 10 percent of the Company’s share capital, equalling up to 2,278,970 shares.
The consideration for the shares to be repurchased will be at least 80 percent of the stock price at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (opening price on Xetra) of the shares of the Company at the date of such repurchase and at the most 120 percent of such stock price.
The purpose of the buy-back programme is to meet obligations arising from the employee share option programmes. Further, repurchased shares may also be cancelled, thus reducing the Company`s stock capital.
The buyback will be carried out in accordance with the rules of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2273/2003 of December, 22 2003 implementing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards exemptions for buyback programmes and stabilisation of financial instruments
Overview share buyback
Summary of the shares purchased under the buyback scheme in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) no. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003, Article 4, Para. 4:
A resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting on 27 May 2008 authorised the board to buy back the company’s shares on the stock exchange within 18 months from the date of the resolution, i.e. by November 2008. Altogether 5% of the issued share capital may be repurchased. ad pepper media has appointed an investment bank for the buyback.
The equivalent that ad pepper pays for each share may be within a price range which is not less than 15% and not more than 15% of the average trading price of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (XETRA) one day prior to the repurchase of the shares. The Management Board intends to utilise the shares from the current buyback for the company’s own employee share programs.
Overview share buyback
Summary of the shares purchased under the buyback scheme in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) no. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003, Article 4, Para. 4: