ad pepper media is off to a good start in 2007
Back to overviewAnother milestone payment from the sale of dMarc to Google
Nuremberg, Germany and Amsterdam, Holland, April 24, 2007 – According to preliminary figures, ad pepper media International N.V. has started the 2007 business year with a 22.5% increase in turnover to 11.352 thousand euros (1st quarter of 2006: 9.263 thousand euros) and an EBIT from operative business activities in the amount of 266 thousand euros. Gross margin increased to 5.939 thousand euros (1st quarter of 2006: 4.392 thousand euros). This news is all the more pleasing because these figures include additional investments in technologies, as well as investments in the European rollouts of Webgains and mediasquares. ad pepper media is therefore confident that it will be able to further establishing itself on the market as an international full-service provider of products and solutions for nearly all areas of online advertising. This will enable ad pepper media to continue to earn disproportionately large profits from the fast growth of the online advertising market.Furthermore, ad pepper media also announces that Google Inc. has authorized the first milestone payment in connection with the sale of a minority interest in dMarc Broadcasting. Payments totaling 20.2 million U.S. dollars will be disbursed to the former shareholders. The capital influx for ad pepper media is roughly 1.83 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to approximately 1.38 million euros; total EBIT in-cluding earnings from the sale of the investment amounts to 1.442 thousand euros (after non recurring expenses in connection with the sale of the investment in the amount of 200 thousand euros). The basis for the payment is the successful and onschedule technical integration of dMarc software so that the milestone payment could be made in full.Final first-quarter financial figures will be announced on May 30, 2007.
For further information:
Jens Körner (CFO)
ad pepper media International N.V.
Tel.: +49 911 929057-0
Fax: +49 911 929057-157