ad pepper media International N.V. posts profitable growth

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Nuremberg, Amsterdam, July 15, 2016  ad pepper media International N.V. concluded the first six months of the financial year with sales of EUR 28,300k (H1 2015: EUR 24,380k). This represents the highest first-half sales figure ever achieved by the company. On a like-for-like basis, i.e. accounting for discontinued activities, the Group’s currency-adjusted sales growth came to 24 percent. With sales of EUR 20,471k and growth of 19 percent, the Webgains segment exceeded the EUR 20 million mark for the first-time in a half-year period (H1 2015: EUR 17,149k). On a currency-adjusted basis, the sales growth in this segment even amounted to 23 percent. The ad agents segment also posted a convincing performance, with sales of EUR 5,302k and growth of 40 percent (H1 2015: EUR 3,800k). Half-year sales in the ad pepper segment came to EUR 2,525k and also showed double-digit growth of 11 percent (H1 2015: EUR 2,268k).ad pepper media International N.V. therefore reconfirms its guidance for 2016 with a revenue target of EUR 60,000k.

The Group’s currency-adjusted, like-for-like gross profit rose by around 15 percent in the first half of 2016. Here, the Webgains segment, where currency-adjusted gross profit rose by around 17 percent, reported the most dynamic performance. ad agents also posted strong growth of around 14 percent. The ad pepper segment boosted its like-for-like gross profit by around 8 percent.

Given this increase in gross profit and a further significant improvement in its cost structures, the Group maintained the positive performance already seen in the first quarter. EBITDA for the first six months of 2016 thus amounted to EUR 1,028k (H1 2015: EUR -196k). This is by far the highest operating EBITDA figure ever reported by the Group in a first-half period. The Webgains segment increased its EBITDA by EUR 763k to EUR 992k (H1 2015: EUR 229k). The ad agents segment generated EBITDA of EUR 424k (H1 2015: EUR -17k), while the ad pepper segment improved its EBITDA to EUR 400k (H1 2015: EUR 279k).

Liquid funds (including securities measured at fair value) amounted to EUR 19,948k (December 31, 2015: EUR 22,437k). The Group still has no liabilities to banks.
The report on the first half of 2016 will be published on August 19, 2016.


Year-on-year comparison of key figures (unaudited):



% change
Sales EUR 000s 28,300 24,380 16.1
Gross profit EUR 000s 7,749 7,620 1.7
EBITDA EUR 000s 1,028 -196 <-100.0
EBIT EUR 000s 1,014 -349 <-100.0
EBT EUR 000s 1,086 -303 <-100.0
    06.30.2016 06.30.2015 % change
Liquid funds* EUR 000s 19,948 19,301 3.4
Equity EUR 000s 15,460 15,916 -2.9
Total assets EUR 000s 28,322 27,909 1.5

*including securities measured at fair value


For further information:
Jens Körner (CFO)
ad pepper media International N.V.
Tel.: +49 (0) 911 929057-0
Fax: +49 (0) 911 929057-157