ad pepper media International N.V.: Final Figures for the 2017 Financial Year
Back to overviewNuremberg, Amsterdam, 27. March 2018 – ad pepper media International N.V. has concluded the past financial year with sales of EUR 75,563k and a gross margin of EUR 18,348k (2016: EUR 16,088k). An EBITDA of EUR 2,209k (2016: EUR 1,748k) was generated and the EBITDA margin was 2.9 percent (2016: 2.9 percent). These figures correspond to the preliminary business figures which were published on 24 January 2018.
For the current reporting period beginning on 01 January 2018, ad pepper media International N.V. will for the first time apply the International Financial Reporting Standard 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers (IFRS 15). The IFRS 15 which came into effect on 01 January 2018 are uniform rules replacing several other sales recognition standards and eliminating inconsistencies between the existing IFRS and US GAAP provisions and thus increasing the comparability of sales figures between different companies, sectors and jurisdictions.
Within the framework of this first-time application of IFRS 15, ad pepper media International N.V. will for the first time make a net statement for the Webgains segment in the quarterly report to be published on 22 May 2018, i.e. the website fee to be paid to publishers (affiliate commission) will in the future no longer be recognised as external revenues and cost of sales. As a result, this first-time application hence leads to a reduction of reported sales and cost of sales figures while profitability figures such as the EBITDA remain unchanged. Accordingly, the EBITDA margin (in percent) increases significantly.
Assuming that the standard had already been applied to the financial figures of the past financial year, the sales – pro forma- would have been EUR 34,129k. The EBITDA would still have been EUR 2,209k but the EBITDA margin would have been considerably higher (6.5 percent)
The 2017 annual report will be published on March, 29.
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Jens Körner (CEO)
ad pepper media International N.V.
+49 (0) 911 929057-0