ad pepper media International N.V. announces changes to its management board: Dr. Ulrike Handel to become new CEO of ad pepper media International N.V.
Back to overviewNuremberg/Amsterdam, February 5, 2013 – ad pepper media International N.V., one of the leading international digital marketing services and technology solutions provider, is pleased to announce planned changes to its management board. ad pepper media International N.V.`s Supervisory Board yesterday unanimously decided to nominate Mrs. Dr. Ulrike Handel as the new CEO to the next extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting. Mrs. Dr. Handel is currently member of the Supervisory Board of ad pepper media International N.V. and intends to resign from this position before the upcoming extraordinary general meeting, which is scheduled for March 20, 2013.
Ulrike Handel previously held the position as member of Management Board of Bertsch Innovation Group where she was in charge of expanding and developing its group companies comprising of IT, publishing, digital media, agency, sports sector and fashion sectors. Prior to this, she worked for Axel Springer AG for 11 years and held various management positions as Member of the Newspaper Group WELT / Berliner Morgenpost and as Head of the “Classifieds” sector comprising online marketplaces like Stepstone and Immonet.
For further information:
Jens Körner (CFO)
ad pepper media International N.V.
Tel.: +49 (0) 911 929057-0
Fax: +49 (0) 911 929057-157